Hey guys! The Renegade Craft Fair is THIS WEEKEND!! I think everyone should go. I will be there with my new Zombies and my new Puffer Fish(es) Fort Mason Center in San Francisco, right near the Golden Gate Bridge.
Skeletal Dropkick ended the contest, but felt bad that so few won :( So the CONTEST will continue for March!! Yay! Go refer, like or follow on Facebook or Twitter and win cool stuff!
In a effort to get more people to see my shop, I require more acolytes, henchmen, lackeys and/or followers. So a Contest it is! Free mameshibas and tags....Go there. Obey!
This is a party you need to hit. Sonja is awesome and the party will be a guaranteed good time. Srsly, you need to go! I will also have 4 pieces int he auction there, so you get cool stuff and you get to help an awesome person!