Monday, December 29, 2008

January Craft show!!

Head on over to the IndieSacramento monhtly craft fair! COnveniently located at 1616 I Street, in downtown Sacramento, this Saturday, January 3rd, 12pm to 4pm. Short but sweet! I will have ceramics, Ochibos and also a bunch of 2nds (ceramics with imperfections) for mucho cheap! Come join the fun!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Craftoberfest! Craft fair in Sacramento in October

Well, I will finally be doing another craft fair. If you have been wanting to see my ceramics in person, now is your chance. The fair is at the Sacramento News and Review building (1015 20th Street) in midtown on Saturday, October the 11th, from 10 am to 4 pm.
This thing is being organised by the mighty Sacramento Craft Mafia, so they are mighty fine!
See you there!!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Large anthropomorphic busts coming up...

I have been working on getting a few busts going... I have 12 so far, but want to make a couple more. Half of them have been bisque fired and I will glaze fire them this week. The other half are waiting a nice long time to dry out before I put them in to bisque (Lesson learned from the exploding walrus in the last firing, I had to re-make him...)